New Year’s Resolution 2021

New Year’s Resolution 2021

Most folks abandon New Year’s resolutions by mid-February of the new year. Even sooner when the resolution is tied to losing weight.  Yet doesn’t it make good sense to want to set our sights on some form of betterment–the change in year, or in this case, decade,...
What Are We Practicing Toward?

What Are We Practicing Toward?

Photo by Chris White   Life throws curveballs. Sometimes I think life does this to see if we’re still in the game. These curveballs can leave us feeling like our life has been turned upside down. We lose the North Star, are left unsure what is real, imagined, or...
The Good Stuff

The Good Stuff

Photo by Pamela Willett “We have to be careful that in throwing out the devil, that we don’t throw out the best part of ourselves.”  — Nietzche   In last week’s blog post, “Listening Fire,” I wrote about how I had forgotten to listen. And I had. I was...
Listening Fire

Listening Fire

There is an art to listening that, in my humble experience, comes from practice. I am reminded of this time and again when I blow it. When I forget to practice. When I forget to take the pause before responding. When I refuse to check my ego at the door. To slow down,...
The Cat and the Hairball

The Cat and the Hairball

Did you ever watch a cat cough up a hairball? What I love about cats, and other creatures of the animal kingdom, is the way they flow with grace, regardless of the circumstances. Clearly, there is nothing remotely pleasant about coughing up a hairball. One minute the...